The ladies of The Dress by Nicole thought it would be fun to do a blog post about our proms. I know to some people reading this, we're not
that old, but it is amazing how fast fashion trends can change from the style to the colors. Another thing we noticed was that some traditions were the same and some where different depending on what high school you went to. Most schools still use a garter, a tradition borrowed from weddings but is now mainly a keepsake from the big night. I found an interesting article about the
history of garters.
I also found a great article on the
history of proms. They evolved from the debutant balls with white dresses and long gloves and started in the 1800's but was more of a college event until the 1930's when it became a high school coming-of-age event.
Some schools do a "post prom" activity or after party. A lot of the schools around Wheaton do a party through the park district so all the kids are safe and stay out of trouble. What's great about it is, that it's actually "cool" to go to. They do a great job about making it fun for them!
Brittany on the left |
Brittany on the left |
Our first blast from the past is Brittany's prom at Waubonsie High School in the Aurora/Naperville area. Her proms were held at Drury Lane in Oak Brook.
Brittany second from the right |
Danielle and her date |
Next is Danielle's prom at Wheaton Academy that was held at the school. The theme is a surprise that the junior class puts together. Then they transform the cafeteria and the sophomores serve the dinner and clean up after the upper classmen! Then Danielle spent post prom at a friend's party.
Danielle is second from the right |
Next is our newlywed, Kelly, at her prom when she lived in Las Vegas. They had it at a swanky country club in the area followed by fun on the Las Vegas strip! We all voted that Kelly must have had the ultimate prom!
Then we have Chrystl, our soon-to-be bride, at her Wheaton North prom in her poufy fuchsia ballgown! Her prom was held at The Abbington in Glen Ellyn.
Chrystl on the right |
My junior prom |
| Senior year |
Our "official" prom photo at the dance |
Finally we have my prom! I went to Schaumburg High School and to both my junior and senior year proms. My junior year prom I did a royal blue dress that I had my eye on as soon as we got it in at work (I worked in a bridal store...go figure). Prom was held at the Woodfield Hyatt across the street from the mall like it was ever year for Schaumburg. My senior prom I started shopping early, working in several bridal stores by this time, I knew the drill of special ordering already in my teens. Turns out I didn't have to order anything, I bought one off-the-rack downtown. You can't tell from the photos but it was actually a seafoam or mint green. Prom was moved that year because the Woodfield Hyatt had booked a wedding. So it was held at the O'Hare Hyatt. I was glad they did because it was fun to have it somewhere different and the O'Hare Hyatt was one of the hotels I liked for my wedding someday. I was always planning my wedding! Oh, and I still talk to my senior year prom date...I ended up marrying him :)
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